beautiful sky

Current Location: Home->Tutorials->Javascript->Browser Functions

Current Location: Home->Tutorials->Javascript->Game

Please note that the use of the scripts on this page can cause conflicts with W3C's WCAG 1.0 accessibility guidlines. This is due to the fact that a mouse is required. However you can remedie mouse functions (exept on mouseover) using calls such as onfocus along side them. I have only put these scripts here for informational purposes, i strongly recommend sticking to W3C's guidelines.

Mouse Functions(1): -eg. click any where in this area!
  • Simple Javascript to show a message box to show mouse top and left position:

<script type="text/javascript">
ml = new Point(-500,-500);

function Point(x,y)

function mouseloca()
  ml.x = event.x + document.body.scrollLeft;
  ml.y = event.y + document.body.scrollTop;

function tellmemouselocation()
  alert("MOUSE LEFT:"+ml.x+" MOUSE TOP:"+ml.y);

and finaly in the body text <div onClick="tellmemouselocation();">your div contents here</div>

Mouse Functions(2):
-eg. click this area!
  • Simple Javascript to move selected object to mouse location, and drop it at new mouse location:

<script type="text/javascript">
ml = new Point(-500,-500);
yn = new Yesno('1');

function Point(x,y)

function Yesno(mtoo)

function mouseloca()
  ml.x = event.x + document.body.scrollLeft;
  ml.y = event.y + document.body.scrollTop;

function movemeobject()

function teea(numgr)

and finaly in the body text <div onmousemove="movemeobject();"><div style="position:absolute;" onClick="javascript: if(yn.mtoo=='1'){teea(2);} else{teea(1);}"> your div or other object to move</div></div>

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