Internal links:

Main pages:

Web design pages:

Link: Description:
Web Design Includes my charges for web designs.
Web rank My tips on how to get a high search engine placement.
Add your link Add your site, no wait just type in your link and site description and click add.
Web hosting This sites host.

Javascript pages:

Link: Description:
Javascript Tutorials Javascript introduction & home page
Browser All javascript browser detection methods with examples and all code.
Form Page in construction.
Math Example code on use of javascript math with useful hints and tips.
Menu Easy to follow instructions on how to create accessible drop down menus.
Other A few other javascript functions including tutotials on mouse locations and elements following the mouse.
Game A few demonstrations of how javascript can be used in a fun and useful way.

CSS design pages:

Link: Description:
CSS DESIGN CSS introduction and home page
Background images Includes tutorials on smooth css background images.

External links:

Website developments I have worked on:

Link: Description:
Sakui Web Sakui Web - Domain names, Hosting and Web Design.
Factory Control Systems Business managment software.
Factory Control Systems (UK) Business managment software.
Brighton Rubbish Rubbish Removal Service In Brighton.
Brids Brighton Landscaping Birds Brighton Landscaping and Gardening Services.
Xml Parser XML software.
Jarvis Asphalt Jarvis Asphalt Roofing Company
Party Central Group activity, hen night and stag night organisers.