beautiful sky

Current Location: Home->Tutorials->CSS->Background Style

How to make javascript games (good for improoving your overall javascript skills)

Current Location: Home->Tutorials->Javascript->Game

This page includes examples and code on how to:

- Create a human vs computer noughts and crosses game.
- Create a human vs computer chess game.
- Code is being generated for a platform game.

Noughts n crosses, fairley boarin an easy game but hey good for learnin javascript. Just view source and try to improove it.

nnc nnc nnc
nnc nnc nnc
nnc nnc nnc

Currently in development please check back soon for code.
Legal moves set
User can move all pieces
Computer can move pawns and walls

chess chess chess chess chess chess chess chess
chess chess chess chess chess chess chess chess
chess chess chess chess chess chess chess chess
chess chess chess chess chess chess chess chess

Platform Game:
Ever wanted to build a platorm game:
maybee football or a shoot em up?
This tutorial will show how to make objects on the page move on the page with the keyboard.

Walking flamingo

Try to move the flamingo by using the left and right arrows on your keboard.

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